Cadillac Snowmelt

In spite of the plethora of rock and water photographs, I still enjoy creating my own vision of the spring streams and waterfalls of Acadia National Park. The Cadillac Mountain snowmelt fills this stream for only a few weeks each year. During the summer months the stream bed is dry, except for the occasional heavy downpours when it runs for a couple of days. It looked great in color with the beautiful pink granite, but the black and white image is even stronger with a square crop to accentuate the diagonal composition. To learn how to create images like this, consider attending one of my nature photography workshops in Acadia National Park.

EXIF data: Nikon D800, 55mm, f/8 (& be there;-), 1/4 sec, ISO 50, 4/26/15, 5:21 PM

Spring Stream, Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park, Maine